Grab a Cup of Tea, a Comfy Chair and Settle in for Some Reading…

Read This if You’re Ready to Quit Stress.

Read This if You’re Ready to Quit Stress.

As I sit here and write this, I'm feeling two things. One, like my body is filled with sinking sand. Two, burnt-toast tired. Now, the wise thing to do would be to tuck away the laptop and go to bed. But of course, after brushing my teeth, braiding my hair and dabbing...

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Why I Stopped Posting on Facebook (+ Also…)

Why I Stopped Posting on Facebook (+ Also…)

A couple years ago, I stopped posting on Facebook. I don't know why I stopped posting... (well, kind of. You'll see.) I just kind of did. And a curious thing happened after that. A thing that started "slow..." and then got bigger, and bigger, and well, you get the...

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The Secret Path to Realizing Your Unique Potential

The Secret Path to Realizing Your Unique Potential

Fact: About one hundred times per day, in buildings across the planet, you'll hear "So, if you do it this way..." Also Fact: When it comes to your life or your business (and being you)... that advice doesn't always transfer. Here's the thing... You are this unique,...

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Perfection Was Never the Goal

Perfection Was Never the Goal

You have no idea how much I've struggled with perfectionism. I suspect many artists do, but my relationship with it was obviously toxic. While perfectionism can yield beauty, it can also shroud it. When it sticks its needly fingers into your craft, inevitably... it's...

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